Ins & Outs of Telehealth: free webinar

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Course features
  • Author: Dr. Britt Farley & Dr. Anissa Jepsen
  • Video time: 45 minutes
Telehealth is a cost-effective and evidenced-based modality to deliver behavioral health services to individuals who do not have in-person access to professionals.
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This free webinar recording is for education only, no Learning CE's are included. 

Whether providing telebehavioral health services or thinking about providing services this is a topic for you!   

Telehealth is a cost effective and evidenced based modality to deliver behavioral health services to individuals who do not have in-person access to professionals due to insurance constraints, availability of professionals, or living in rural areas. However, this does not mean every professional has the tools to implement telehealth services with fidelity. Additionally, not every client is an ideal candidate for telehealth services.
In this course, we discuss the importance of treatment fidelity and client readiness during telehealth-based sessions. You will have the opportunity to examine tools for measuring treatment fidelity during telehealth-based sessions and evaluate client readiness before and during telehealth-based sessions.   
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